
Norwegian version only.









Fredag 25/9 Registrering 08.30 - 09.15


Pasientcase, forskning og pasientsikkerhet

09.15 - 09.30 Åpning

09.30 - 11.00 Tore Fosso, MNHL. Nåværende Leder NHL. Hvordan bruke individualisert homeopati, ved akutte og kroniske infeksjoner hos barn og voksne.

11.00 - 11.30 Te/Kaffe/Vann 

11.30 - 12.30 Alex Tournier BSc DIC MASt Cantab PhD LCHE RSHom

Executive Director HRI

Evidence in Homeopathy.

12.30 - 13.45Lunsj

13.45 - 14.45 Trine Stub PhD MNHL. Risiko i homeopatisk behandling - fra intervju med pasienter i homeopatisk behandling    


Agnete Kristoffersen NAFKAM. Forskning på bruk av alternativ medisin i Norge og nyere forskningsdata på dette.

14.45 - 15.15 Charlotte Yde BSc., MSc. The reason why cancer patients choose homeopathic treatment and their experience undergoing homeopathic treatment. This study sought to identify common themes in this experience in order to understand the meaning of homeopathic treatment for cancer patients. 

15.15 - 15.45 Kaffe/Te/Vann

15.45 - 16.45 David Brulé, BA, Homeopath. Research Associate, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto

"Feasibility and Clinical Results of a Pilot Trial of Individualized Homeopathic Treatment of Fatigue in Childeren Receiving Chemotherapy." Dette er en video presentasjon med Q&A på skype med David Brulé etter hans video presentasjon.


Lørdag 26/9 Start 09.00


Homeopati, infeksjoner og omdømmebygging

09.00 - 10.30 Alison Fixsen MA, BA(Hons) PGCE, RSHom, DipNP, University of Westminster UK. Homeopathy and antibiotic resistance. Homeopathy in relation to studies done on upper respiratory and ear in 2012. Antibiotics may damage, philosophical problems, short and long term treatment.

10.30 - 10.45 Te/Kaffe/Vann

10.45 - 12.15 Dr Ortrud Lindemann Infectious Diseases and Homeopathic Treatment

12.15- 13.30 Lunsj

13.30 - 17.15 Mani Norland, Principal School of Homeopathy. How to Build your Dream Practice. Inkl. workshops og Te/kaffe.


19.30 Festmiddag. Mer informasjon kommer. Betales separat.


Søndag 27/9 Start 09.30


New awareness on Homeopathy in Patient treatment

09.30 - 11.00 Dr Ortrud Lindemann. Rising Wave of Infertility.

11.00 - 12.00 Kari Skrautvol, MNHL. Komplementær eller integrativ medisin ved inflammatorisk tarmsykdom - IBD, forebygging av tilbakefall med diett og homeopatisk behandling.

12.00 - 13.15 Lunsj

13.15 - 14.45 Alison Fixsen. Putting thepatient at the heart of homeopathic research - pragmatic trials and research into patient experience as viable research methods. This also deals with ethics. 

14.45 - 15.45 Petter Viksveen. Homeopati ved depresjon - resultater av en randomisert kontrollert studie.

15.45 - 16.15 Te/kaffe

God tur hjem


Med forbehold om endringer.


Pris: Alle 3 dagene: NOK 2.600,- inkl lunsj, te/kaffe. Homeopatistudenter NOK 1.780,-.


Enkeltstående dag: NOK 1.000,-. Homeopatistudenter NOK 670,-.


Påmelding: Betal beløpet til kto 1503.46.29592.


Ved avbestilling før 10/8 refunderes 2/3 av innbetalt beløp.

Ved avbestilling etter 10/8 ingen refundering.


Registrering og spørsmål: 


Sted: Haraldsheim Vandrerhjem 

For romreservering på Haraldsheim kan du bruke kode: 316008

Haraldsheim Vandrerhjem er lokalisert i grønne omgivelser, bare 4 km fra Oslo sentrum, med flott usikt over Oslo og Oslofjorden. Lett å nå med trikk, T-bane og busser.


Språk: Engelsk.


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Informasjon om foreleserne


Dr Alexander Tournier BSc DIC MASt Cantab PhD LCHE RSHom

Executive Director HRI

Alex has a 1st class degree in Physics from Imperial College, and a Master in Advanced Study in Theroretical Physics (a.k.a. part III) from Cambridge University. He wrote his PhD on the Biophysics of water at the interface with biological molécules at the University of Heidelberg in Germany. Alex also trained in homeopathy at the Centre for Homeopathic Education, London and is a registered homeopath.

Alex worked for 10 years at Cancer Research UK (5th institute worldwide for molecular biology) as a researcher working on problems at the interface between biology, physics and mathematics. Alex founded the Homeopathy Research Institute in 2007.


Tore Fosso MNHL. Utdannet NAN 1983. Samme året en av grunnleggerne av Senter for Klassisk Homeopati i Bergen. Styremedlem NHL 1991 - 1993, nestleder 2013 – 2015.  Styreleder 2015- 2017. Fra 1985 deltaker i Vithoulkas Teacher Training Group / Core Group i London. Jeg fulgte Vithoulkas og hans studenter bl.a. på Allonissos hele 1980 og 1990 tallet. Senere er jeg inspirert av nyere og andre måter å tenke på. Her har bl.a. Rajan Sankaran og hans studenter og særlig Massimo Mangialavori fra Italia vært gode inspirasjonskilder.  

Jeg baserer alltid mitt arbeid med pasienter, på den individualiserte klassiske homeopatien. Fra 1989 har jeg vært fast foreleser ved Skandinavisk Institutt for Klassisk Homeopati, SIKH.  Mine fag har vært Materia Medica, filosofi/metodikk og klinisk arbeid. Jeg er også veileder for kolleger. Jeg vil med kasuistikker vise hvordan vi kan bruke individualisert homeopati, ved akutte og kroniske infeksjoner hos barn og voksne. Enkelte pasienter sliter med plager etter kraftige infeksjoner. Jeg vil illustrere med kasuistikker hvordan vi kan hjelpe disse med homeopati.

Trine Stub (PhD), Acupuncturist and Homeopath (NHL)

Agnete E. Kristoffersen (PhD), Reiki master

Agnete Kristoffersen and Trine Stub are both senior researchers at The National Research Center in Complementary and Alternative Medicine – NAFKAM at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø.

Kristoffersen has developed criteria for how to report  the use of CAM in different populations and Stub has developed criteria for how to distinguish between homeopathic aggravations and adverse effects. Their research include mapping the use of CAM in both chronically ill patients and in healthy populations, as well as safety and risk factors connected to the use of CAM. A recently research project is  to delineate the risk perception and communication gap between different professionals of health care providers (including CAM providers). In order to capture CAM as a holistic modality of health care they utilize both quantitative and qualitative research methodology (mixed methods) in their research.


Charlotte Yde BSc., MSc. Registreret homøopat (RAB), medlem af Dansk Selskab for Klassisk Homøopati og praktiserer i Odense og i København.

Charlotte er DSKH’s repræsentant i European Central Council for Homeopaths (ECCH) og er formand for den danske paraplyorganisation SundhedsRådet, som er en sammenslutning af komplementære og alternative brancheforeninger og skoler.

Fra 1999 til 2002 tog Charlotte sin homøopatiske grunduddannelse i London på University of Westminster.

Charlotte har deltaget i den danske Skleroseforenings projekt om alternativ behandling af sklerosepatienter ”Projekt behandlerteam”.

Charlotte afsluttede sin master fra University of Central Lancaster i 2012 med et mindre kvalitativt forskningsprojekt med titlen ”Cancer patients’ reasons for and experience of undergoing complementary treatment by a homeopath”.


The reasons why cancer patients choose homeopathic treatment and their experience undergoing homeopathic treatment is understudied. This study sought to identify common themes in this experience in order to understand the meaning of homeopathic treatment for cancer patients.

The group of interviewees consisted of one man and four women all diagnosed with cancer by a conventional physician and receiving conventional treatment together with homeopathy.

In-depth client interviews were conducted, recorded and transcribed by the researcher. Thematic analysis was used to analyse participants’ responses.  Themes developed in the following areas:

·        Hope, uncertainty and worry.

·        Depression, energy and wellbeing.

·        Obstacles and support.

·        Coping, taking responsibility, integrating CAM.., seen as a whole person.


David Brulé, BA, homeopath, Research Associate Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto

"Feasibility and Clinical Results of a Pilot Trial of Individualized Homeopathic Treatment of Fatigue in Children Receiving Chemotherapy". Fatigue in children and youth receiving chemotherapy is an area of interest due to the lack of effective interventions. This was an open label pilot study of homeopathic treatment for fatigue in pediatric cancer patients treated at the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in Toronto, Canada (ages 2 to 18), diagnosed with any type of cancer who were receiving chemotherapy administered discontinuously in courses or cycles, were concidered. 8 participants completed 14 days of assessment. There was a significant improvement of fatigue over the study period.


Alison Fixsen, MA, BA (Hons), PGCE, RSHom, DipNP

Alison is a senior lecturer in the Department of Life Sciences at the University of Westminster (UoW), an experienced practitioner-researcher and an international conference speaker. She qualified as a homeopath over twenty years ago, and has presented and published a number of case studies. She is a co-founder and lecturer at Salisbury Homeopathy, and external examiner for the Homeopathy MA at UCLAN. Alison has conducted mixed-methods research in several healthcare settings, including a NHS setting (a 1995-7 randomised trial and case study of OME patients), in Sure Start clinics (mixed-method patient experience surveys 2002-6), and within the University of Westminster polyclinic. She has published work on otitis media, paediatrics, hormonal imbalances, postnatal depression, CAM student-practitioner experience, prescription drug addiction, and iatrogenic illness. She is passionate about research and education within and beyond the homeopathic profession, and at looking for alternatives to conventional drugs, including antibiotics and psychotropic drugs. Another interest is in personal and professional development and Alison is completing a professional doctorate on emotion work and emotional competencies at the University of Westminster. 


Ortrud Lindemann, Medical Doctor specialized in homeopathy

Marenostrum, Bhaktapur International Homeopathic Clinic, LMHI

Utdanning University of Freiburg

My interest in homeopathy and natural medicine arose from a serious health condition in which conventional medicine had failed. It changed my life and I decided to dedicate my life to homeopathy. I studied with all the great masters and have been to many countries to enrich the medical field with the science of homeopathy. My dream is and has been to make homeopathy available to all the people wherever and especially in crisis situations. This is a great opportunity to change. Just my little contribution.

Seminars around the world: Germany,Holland,Spain,Norway,GB,Czech Rep,Mexico,Columbia,Nepal...

Cofounder of Bhaktapur International Homeopathic Clinic (1994)

Cofounder of Marenostrum Centre de Salud, Barcelona (1999)

Written several books on women and child health

Published numerous articles on homeopathy

My latest love is to the people of Liberia who showed me how love and togetherness bring you out of the most violent situations! Ebola means more than what is published in the press media to spread panic and sell vaccines.


Mani Norland, BA (Hons), DSH, PCH, RSHom

Mani Norland is Principal of the School of Homeopathy. His father is the well known homeopath Misha Norland so Mani grew up with homeopathy all around him; training in 1999 at the School his father established in 1981. Later he attended Jeremy Sherr's Dynamis post graduate course. As well as Jeremy he has studied with many leading homeopaths including Jan Scholten, Massimo Mangialavori, Jayesh Shah and Rajan Sankaran. Mani is Managing Director of In-Light Limited the group company for the School of Homeopathy and Alternative Training. In his ‘other life’ Mani worked in London as a brand and business consultant for over 10 years. He advised board level directors on business creation, vision and image. Mani is a founding member of Homeopathy Course Providers Forum and a founding member of the 4Homeopathy (the pro homeopathy group of 11 organsations in the UK). With this group Mani has been instrumental in the re-branding of homeopathy in the UK with the development of a new logo, celebrity campaigns and media intervention. Mani also teaches students in the 4th year about setting up in practice. Mani is passionate about the positive promotion of homeopathy to the general public and has written many consumer facing articles on homeopathy and been interviewed on BBC radio several times.


How to Build your Dream Practice

In this exciting half day presentation and workshop, Mani Norland will draw on his past business experience as a consultant and brand developer, combining it with his homeopathic knowledge to create a stimulating day of discovery into who you are and how you can differentiate your homeopathic practice. In the true homeopathic sense, the day will combine both art and science: creative exploration will be grounded in solid business principles. Many concepts in business and branding are not so dissimilar to homeopathy - both are about the wellbeing of an organism, and about the discovery of a central state or idea and the healthy expression of that state. Business does not have to be dull: defining your practice and articulating it is just like understating a patient’s case and finding the remedy that expresses it - both are a voyage of exploration and discovery. 


After this day you will be able to:

Learn simple tools to improve your practice and increase patient numbers

Utilise a business model in a homeopathic way for your practice

Explore creative tools to define your practise and vision for business

Understand the importance of the ‘values’ you bring to your homeopathy

Know how to express yourself through your homeopathic practice as a business


Previous student feedback:
 “As a teacher, I have had nothing whatever to do with the world of marketing, business etc. and it was really useful to have all that - the handouts were great - especially the one about vision, etc, and also trying to work out your finances. looking at the website pages was good too.”


“I found the part you put under the heading of values where you got us to think about how our practice would differentiate itself from others, being true to ourselves, was the most powerful bit - turning what is usually a woolly concept into a practical tool.”  


“I must say that I had known what the subject for the day was going to be in advance, I wouldn't have expected to enjoy it, or (with my accountant background) to get much out of it, but I would have been wrong.”

“Your presentation was great. It is well structured and gives a good insight into what is necessary to set up practice.”


“Great that you had brought your handouts which are clear and will be helpful. The financial aspect is also important as I have noticed that people in alternative therapies, etc.  have a problem with it (how many times they come to ask about money and its almost as if they are sorry to ask; lots of hang ups there I think). This could lead to a question of how do you value your own work...”


“Your style of delivery is good and people feel at ease. The most difficult is to get us involved and you managed to do that. All in all I think it was very helpful and I only have positive comments.”


“I found it all useful, there was a good balance of activities and information giving and a clear process and direction.”


“The part you found most fun was the creative aspects of working out our individual qualities and creating a brand, which would be followed through in everything we produce”

“When i heard the day was about the business side of things i must admit i thought it would be a necessary evil to get through, maybe picking up a few useful tips - but i would much rather have concentrated on homeopathy! However, i did find it helpful and enjoyable - far more so than i expected to.”
“I found the most helpful and thought provoking bit was the bit about making sure your branding reflects the sort of homeopath/person you are”


“I found the most uplifting (and maybe therefore the most enjoyable) bit was the values section and then the why, why, why bit - that's a good thing to have near the end because it is so uplifting”

“I enjoyed the ‘why’ part, the describing your values and the web designing part. i thought these things would be very useful in my practice.”


Industry quotes:
Mani was the Creative Director at 20|20 and a key member of a team that helped deliver a transformation in the brand and retail identity for Kwik-Fit. Using his considerable expertise, Mani was able to interpret consumer research, develop concept designs, create and test prototypes in-centre and at kerbside and refine the programme in readiness for rollout across a network of 600 centres. It was a pleasure to work with Mani to deliver well-informed, practical solutions that worked. Doug McKenzie, Marketing Director, Kwik-Fit 

Mani was great fun to work with: extremely bright; had great insights into people /customers; able to interpret trends and data to deliver strategies to engage them.  This was crucial for the development of our business plan. The fun bit about Mani, beyond the large brain and associated skills, is his humour, humility and tenacity.  I have no doubt that Mani's skills are being effectively used in his career in homeopathy where I imagine his ability to listen, interpret and engage with clients must be hugely valuable before applying his knowledge and skills to give advice and support.
Phil Wrigley, Managing Director, New Look


Kari Skrautvol is an Associate professor at Oslo and Akershus University

College of Applied Sciences. In her daily work she is educating nursing

students in acute and chronic diseases at hospitals in Oslo and master

students in intensive care. Her focus is recovery and rehabilitation from

acute, critical diseases to chronic diseases in relapsing situations. Her

research project concerns inflammatory bowel diseases and how to develop

better treatment to take care of the body`s self healing capacity and give

more individualized treatment including the patients own experiences about

the symptoms from their own body. This patient group have many experiences

with CAM, in interviewing them in the quiet phase of the disease. There are

now done systematically quantitative research in twenty years and now

qualitative research from this patient group in Norway. Kari is Cand.polit

from the University of Bergen, trained professional homeopath MNHL/ SIKH

from 1999 and trained in intensive acute care and integrative care in the

phase of recovery. She is today an international representative for NHL in

ECCH and ICH and participates in accreditation of education and admission of

new members to the NHL.


Petter Viksveen, homeopat MNHL NAN, BA, MSc (Hom), PhD student


Petter har praktisert som homeopat siden 1990. Han har de siste 4 årene vært doktorgradsstudent ved Universitetet i Sheffield. Der har han ledet et forskningsprosjekt som evaluerer deprimerte pasienters erfaringer med behandling gitt av homeopater. Prosjektet inkluderer en randomisert kontrollert studie med 566 pasienter og en kvalitativ studie med 46 intervjuer for å lære mer om pasientenes erfaringer med homeopatisk behandling. Som del av sine mastergradsstudier gjennomførte Petter en kvalitativ og en kvantitativ studie for å lære mer om homeopaters utdanning. Han har også vært rådgiver for Nasjonalt Forskningssenter for Komplementær og Alternativ Medisin (NAFKAM) / Nasjonalt Informasjonssenter for Alternativ Behandling (NIFAB) hvor han gjorde en litteraturstudie for å lære mer om pasienter erfaringer med bruk av alternativ behandling. Dessuten fungerte han i ett år som koordinator for CAM-Cancer Consortium. Han er styremedlem av Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI) og var medarrangør av HRIs forskningskonferanser i Barcelona i 2013 og i Roma i 2015. Petter er dessuten involvert i flere andre forskningsprosjekter og har publisert flere artikler i vitenskapelige tidsskrift.




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